Boris Tadic
Boris Tadić was first elected president of Serbia in June 2004, and was re-elected for a second term in February 2008. Since coming to office, President Tadić has consolidated Serbia's democracy and become the international
spokesman of the "new Serbia." President Tadić has actively promoted the "de-Balkanization of the Balkans" by taking the initiative in regional reconciliation efforts; and has vigorously re-forged strategic partnerships between Serbia and the
United States, the member-states of the European Union, Russia and China. President Tadić has been a strong advocate of Serbia's full and rapid accession to the European Union, and he has consistently advocated a peaceful, diplomatic solution to determining the future of Serbia’s southern province of Kosovo and Metohija.
Prior to becoming president, Boris Tadić served as the Minister of Defense of Serbia and Montenegro and as Minister of Telecommunications in the months following Serbia's October 5th democratic revolution that overthrew the regime of Slobodan Milošević.
At the Defense Ministry, his efforts in establishing strict civilian control of the military and reorganizing the Ministry and General Staff to be NATO-compliant gained him an international reputation as an effective reformer.
In February 2004, President Tadić was elected the leader of the Democratic Party, succeeding the assassinated Prime Minister of Serbia, Dr. Zoran Djindjić.
President Tadić was born in Sarajevo on 15 January 1958. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade with a degree in social psychology. President Tadić joined Serbia's nascent
anti-communist dissident movement in the 1980s and was arrested and imprisoned several times by the then-communist authorities.
Amongst numerous international awards, in 2008 President Tadić received the prestigious annual German award Quadriga, given to prominent figures for their vision, courage and political determination.
President Tadić is married and has two daughters.
Source: University Programs and Events Planning Resources, September 2009