Herman Van Rompuy
Elected as the first full-time President of the European Council in November 2009, Herman Van Rompuy took office when the Lisbon Treaty came into force on 1 December 2009. In 2012, he was re-elected for a second term starting on 1 June 2012 and running until 30 November 2014.
At the time of his first election, Herman Van Rompuy was Prime Minister of Belgium. Prior to that he had served in Belgium as Speaker of the House of Representatives (2007-2008) and in several government positions, including as Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Budget (1993-1999), Minister of State (2004) and Secretary of State for Finance and Small Businesses (1988).
A former economist at the National Bank of Belgium, Herman Van Rompuy began his political career in 1973 as national vice-president of his party’s youth council. He has held various responsibilities within his party and in the Belgian Parliament, serving in turn as Senator (1988-1995) and Member of Parliament (1995-2009).
Herman Van Rompuy holds a Bachelor in Philosophy, and a Master in Applied Economics from the university K.U. Leuven. He was born in Etterbeek, Belgium, on 31 October 1947, and is married with Geertrui Windels; they have four children and four grandchildren.
Grammar School, Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege Brussels (1965)
Bachelor of Philosophy, K.U.Leuven (1968)
Master in Applied Economics, K.U.Leuven (1971)
Career history:
Attaché Internal Affairs National Bank of Belgium (1972-1975)
Adviser Cabinet Prime Minister L. Tindemans (1975-1978)
Adviser Cabinet Minister of Finance G. Geens (1978-1980)
Director Centrum voor Politieke, Economische en Sociale Studies (1980-1988)
Lecturer Handelshogeschool Antwerpen (1980-1987)
Lecturer Vlaamse Economische Hogeschool Brussel (VLEKHO) (1982-2008)
Political career:
National vice-president C.V.P.-Jongeren (1973-1977)
Member of the National C.V.P. Buro (1978-…)
C.V.P.-negotiator for the government formation Martens-III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and Dehaene I, II
C.V.P.-president of the district Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde (1982-1988)
C.V.P.-senator (1988-1995)
Secretary of State of Finance and Small Businesses (May 1988-Sept. 1988)
C.V.P.-party National President (Sept. 1988-Sept. 1993)
Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Budget (Sept. 1993-July 1999)
CD&V MP in the House of Representatives (1995 -…)
Minister of State (Jan. 2004)
Speaker of the House of Representatives (July 2007- Dec. 2008)
Royal Explorer (Sep. 2007)
Royal Conciliator (Oct. 2007)
Prime Minister (Dec. 2008 - Nov. 2009)
President of the European Council (Dec. 2009 - ...)
"De kentering der tijden", book published by Lannoo, 112 p. (1979)
"Hopen na 1984", book published by Davidsfonds, Horizonreeks (September 1984)
"Het christendom. Een moderne gedachte", book published by Davidsfonds, Forumreeks (September 1990)
"Vernieuwing in hoofd en hart. Een tegendraadse visie", book published by Davidsfonds, Forumreeks (Autumn 1998)
"De binnenkant op een kier. Avonden zonder politiek", book published by Lannoo, 165 p. (2000)
"Dagboek van een vijftiger", book published by Davidsfonds, 144 p. (October 2004)
"Haiku", Poezie Centrum, Gent, 125 p. (April 2010)
"In de wereld van Herman Van Rompuy", with Katleen Cools, Borgerhoff&Lamberigts, 200 p. (October 2010)
Honorary awards:
European Prize Coudenhove-Kalergi 2012, Vienna (16 November 2012)
Otto von der Gablentz Prize, The Hague (18 April 2012)
Grand Ribbon holder of the Order of Leopold (2009)
Doctor Honoris Causa degree at the Catholic University of Louvain (2 February 2010)
BeNeLux-Europa Prize, Breda (12 June 2010)
Harvard Club of Belgium Leadership Prize, Brussels (8 September 2010)
"Collier du Mérite européen" awarded by the European Merit Foundation, Luxembourg (25 November 2010)
Nueva Economía Forum Prize, Madrid (10 December 2010)
Honorary Doctorate at the University of Kobe (4 March 2011)
Honorary Doctorate at the University of Ghent (18 March 2011)
Grand Officer in the Order of the Legion of Honour (December 2011)
"Gouden Penning" awarded by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (Brussels, 14 January 2012)
Honorary senator E Meritu et Honoris Causa of the Movement for a United States of Europe – Action Centre for European federalism (AEF - BVSE) – Antwerp, 5 February 2012
Source: University Programs and Events Planning Resources, September 2013